There are probably few periods of time in our lives as indelible as the years we spend with a group of friends, siblings, cousins, a group of original beings about the same age, whose speech is unique, and with whom we share a language created and understood only by ourselves. If we are fortunate, we can look upon that time with a kind of proud nostalgia for the features that defined our identity and gave us refuge from the larger world.
In Latin American literature, writers such as Cabrera Infante, Donoso, Cortázar, Vargas Llosa, to name a few, captured a time in their respective countries when their generation played a role in defining popular culture by portraying these memories. They and other writers portrayed the shadings of class, as did Manuel Rojas-- in the late 20s, with El delincuente, and Hijo de ladrón, and much later, the cruel language of dictatorships, as Luisa Valenzuela in the 70s with Los censores, and Cambio de armas. If it weren't for writers who see themselves as part of a unique generation and want to express somehow, the subtleties of their collective youth, and eventually growing into adulthood, perhaps we would not have these sometimes humorous, sometimes poignant portraits today.
It is widely agreed that in his novel, Tres Tristes Tigres, Guillermo Cabrera Infante attempted to capture the speech and the consciousness of a Cuba that was disappearing. Set on the eve of Castro's victory in Havana, the language shared by a group of friends represents the blending of the Cuban vernacular which was Afro-Cuban, with a sprinkling of American and waning European influence. The wordplay that twists and reshapes meaning until something new emerges, was later translated by the author along with Donald Gerdner and Suzanne Jill Levine, in 1971. But this book, retitled Three Trapped Tigers became, of necessity, a new book-- translation becomes transformation.
Mario Vargas Llosa, meanwhile, far more prolific if less experimental, displayed the agility of his prose in scenes with a great number of people interacting, often speaking to the narrator as well as to each other, creating the effect of documentary film at times-- but with a tight plot. In the early short story, "The Challenge," from Los Jefes (1959), and later The Green House (1966), the motif of the fight that cannot be stopped and ends with somebody's death is observed as it develops through the particular speech of the characters. In the 1962 novel, La ciudad y los perros, the young men from a rising middle class also function in an environment of violence and machismo, using their own coded language to denote power and hierarchy. The result in each instance is sometimes a dizzying cacophony, always rich and fascinating.
In the Latin American literature course I taught this fall semester at the JSM Institute for Labor Studies/CUNY (from the present, beginning with Coelho and Bolaño and going backwards to excerpts from the Popol Vuh) I assigned a special task to my class: to write a brief piece about a remembered event from youth or childhood, in a realist-fictionalized style, that would show the way they and their contemporaries used language and communicated in their own, unique way.
People came through with fantastic pieces of writing, energetic, evocative, conscious of having lived in a particular culture-- whether African American, Caribbean, South Asian or Latin American in the U.S. What follows, in the page titled "Student Writing: The Literary Style of Reminiscence," is an experiment in teaching Latin American literature in English. The individual authors are credited with bylines above each piece, and can be contacted through this blog. Please make comments, and enjoy!
Hola Mariana,
ReplyDeleteQue interesante el que los escritores capten las voces de su tiempo... si es que somos necesarios. Sobretodo lso que citas recrean parte de la historia e inspiran y que buneo qu etus alumnos sean capaces de captar sus culturas en sus escritos.
Además has creado páginas... eres un genio
Thank you, Mercedes! I hope people enjoy their stories which are, I think, quite unique.